10 Creative ways to stay creative in good times and bad.
Since I've been reading more, I decided I am going to write book reviews on books that I finished. "Keep Going" is from the same author of "Show Your Work" - Austin Kleon. I enjoyed this book very much, so I'll give it a 5/5 rating.
I am going to summarize the content here, as a reference where I can come back to from time to time.
1. Every day is ground hog day. Take one day at a time. It's an old saying, but how many people truly live like that? Forget about yesterday, and live today.
Establish a daily routine
Make lists, helps to keep the anxiety level down
Finish each day and be done with it
2. Build a bliss station. The ability to disconnect from the world and connect with yourself. If you don't have the luxury of having an actual space just to yourself, then block off a chunk of time during the day to yourself.
You can be woke without waking to the news
Airplane mode during your "bliss station" time
Learn how to say no - prioritize your time to yourself
3. Forget the noun, do the verb. This is saying don't put a noun label to yourself, such as I'm a write, I'm a broker, I'm a singer etc. Instead, just do the work you want to do and let others give you the noun. Your real work is play. Just do the things you love.
4. Make gifts. When you are making art, or providing service, think of it as you are giving a gift to someone. When you are thinking about making money, the work becomes poor. If you see it as gifting instead, you will put efforts into the work and money will follow. I think this concept is particularly important.
5. The Ordinary + Extra Attention = The Extraordinary
Really cool formula right? You have everything you need to create and succeed. You just need to pay extra attention to what's around you. Pay attention to what you pay attention, usually those are the things that interest you and you can expand on that, and make gifts.
6. Slay the art monster.
Art is FOR life (not the other way around). Simply put, art is to make our lives better. So, try to be a decent and kind human being first.
7. You are allowed to change your mind.
Everyone is supposed to have a brand now. To be on brand is to be 100% certain of who you are and what you do. My interpretation on this is, you can have your own brand / personality, but also be open-minded about things and don't be afraid to be off-brand. The uncertainty is what makes art interesting, and life too in that matter.
8. When in doubt, tidy up.
In the middle of tidying up, have you ever came across things that brings nostalgia, or inspiration? Exactly. When you don't know what to do, what to write, then try tidying up. You may be working out a solution while doing so, or something surfaces during your tidying up and will lead you to a solution. Tidying is exploring.
Or, take a nap. Sleep tidies up the brain. Try it, it works.
Leave things better than you found them. Again, try to be a decent human being.
9. Demons hate fresh air.
Go out and take a walk. It will clear your mind, take you out of despair. Walking is good for physical, spiritual and mental health. Or you can exercise, it does the similar trick. You should feel better and your mind should be more clear.
10. Plant your garden.
There are cycles in every form of life. Just look at a tree, from budding, to blossoming, to leaves falling in winter, and in spring all over again. Whatever phase you are in right now, it shall pass. If you don't have a garden, get a plant in your room and just observe the cycle. This shall calm you down, understand the seasons of life and carry on.
I very much resonate with this book. It is a short read, concise but meaningful. I highly recommend it to everyone.